
You are special just existing

【Lucky Happy Navigation for Happiness from Golden Celeb】
Good Morning.
“I will be natural”
Say this word today to attract more and more wonderful things.
“Don’t be afraid to be ordinary. You are special just existing. If you are afraid of being ordinary and making eccentric appearances, that is nonsense”
From Metaphor
You may think like this. I don’t have any special features. I am too ordinary. I don’t have any originality or any special experiences!I am too quiet.

Even though, that doesn’t mean you’re not good or bad.
You are the one and only person, an only one precious existence!!
You don’t have to force yourself to act like someone else. You should be yourself.
It is fine to be ordinary. If you think like this, then you will be more comfortable.
If you feel that…
I have to be special… I have to be extraordinary… I have to be great… I have to get good scores… I have to be perfect… I have to have good sense of humor… Do I have to be charismatic? Do I want to look good?…
That is nonsense!!
Ordinary is fine!!
To be “ordinary” you can be at ease…
Then your natural and true charm would shine!!! You are special just existing!
If you release the negative in your deep layer conscious, then you will shine naturally even more.



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