
Use your telepathy

【Lucky Happy Navigation for Happiness from Golden Celeb】
Good Morning.
“I will respect and believe people”
“I will feel with my heart”
Say these words today to go into the cycle of good things would happen.
If you treasure your own feelings, you will be able to see other people’s feelings.
If you tell your true feelings, then they will also tell you their true feelings in return. This is truely wouderful.
I receive many consultation about family problems.
For example, person A told me “My child is 〇〇 and I am troubled. So I want to apply healing for my child” Certainly it is good to have healing but…
If you think over…
The person A has a problem. Not her child.
So her child may not be so troubled, they might be happy. They may not have any problems.
In short, it is the person A’s problem with her child. Person A has a problem. Her vibration is attracting this reality.
If you have trouble about your family or people around you. Then you should realize that it is your problem.
Now I will talk about a magical story.
About “Telepathy”
Even if you tell in full detail by words, sometimes you may feel that your partner didn’t fully understand?
Here you use your telepathy.
It is important that inside your heart, you should believe and respect them.
As if you became one with their hearts, you return within your heart again. If you can experience this process, then they can also experience the same process. It is very magical.
Just like the law of mirror.
If your conscious become higher, you will be able to use this big power of telepathy.
If your mind has high conscious and high vibration, then you can give good effect to other people.
You can make them realize(there are opposite)Then you will be able to feel that they had understand your thoughts.
By having Golden Celeb healing, your vibration will become higher. Then this phenomenon of telepathy would happen often.
But, if you want to change your partner that way, there are important things to remember.
First you should
from your heart,
esteem them
respect them
and believe them
and release them.
Then they will be as your mirror. Just like if you had used your telepathy…
Your thoughts will come true and you would get the best effect.
It’s not easy to make a change. The courage to change yourself, the process, will be the power to change other people.
If you want to change your partner, then first you should change yourself.
Today let’s respect the people around you. And let’s build up a happy human relationship.
“If you are worried then how about going outdoor for an exercise?”〜from Metaphor〜



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