
Find Positiveness in Your Negativeness

Find Positiveness in Your Negativeness

Good morning!
“I feel happy at any situation.”
“I feel grateful for everything.”And more happiness will be walking into you.

So, when I have been studying horoscope long time ago, I learnt that Yin and Yan are both at one place – if you are said to have an excellent luck, it comes with great misfortune and vice versa.

That is, we live in the three-dimensions world, where 2 opposite things are balancing each other.
Here, it is essential that positive things always come with negative things, and vice versa.

(If you are beyond it, it will be different though… I am telling about things in three-dimensions world today anyways.)

So that, even if you are so successful right now, you will fall down from your position once you show your arrogance.

You really need: a self-consecration by doing some dirty stuffs, to pile the Yin (negative) virtues up, to appreciate everything, to be eager to do something people don’t like.
Balance your virtue with these behaviours, the Yan ( positive) virtue will stand by you.
I often see the poor descendants from the prosperous family.
So, especially when things are going well, you need to be humble.
And vice versa…

Even if you are at the darkest point of your life, remember that darkness also has the brightest light just like a dawn, the darkest time in a day.

Severe situations always have grateful things. Your job is to find it out and you will be guided to the greatest happiness when you make it.

The deeper you go into the darkness, the brighter you will find the light.
It is no other than yourself who quest for the light.
You might be in a harsh, severe situation.
But when you realise that you are receiving love from the universe, which brings you a progress, you are going to the next level at the very moment.
I understand that you are not sure about which part of the bad situation you need to feel grateful for.
But accept it like “all is necessary, required, and the best.”
Focus on your inside, not the outside.
For example, if you are feeling so hard, you are the first and the best person to know about the same kind of pain of someone else’s.
People always help others in the similar situations/backgrounds.
Everything will change when you focus on the mind of your own, not people around you.

It is because you are “the magnet for attraction.”

You can never change while you are not satisfied with your current life, blaming someone else.
Here, a chance has come – you will rethink about the way you live, the way you are.
Let’s change your focus point to enjoy yourself and to be easier on yourself.
Do not wait until things start changing, but start from changing yourself.
Be brave.
People never change.
Especially personality.
(It is possible after you take Golden Celeb Healing Therapy though…)
Change your mind.
That is 1,000 times easier.
I am sure you will feel happy when you see the positive side in things, which makes you grow up.
Believe me, it will change everything.
Your current situation will be different as well.
When you blame people, you will be blamed.
When you trust people, you will be trusted.
When you like people, you will be liked.
When you hate people, you will be hated.
When you look people down, you will be looked down.

When you respect people, you will be respected.

These reaction are reflected in the mirror of your mind.

While you think that it is not about you, you don’t know well about yourself yet.

Look into your mind. Do not blame yourself, but accept yourself.

When you find out the greatest positiveness in negativeness, you will grow up in a big, big way, and shine!!!


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