
Keep on Communicating

Keep on Communicating

Good morning!

Say heavenly words;
“Thank you very much.”
“I love it.”
then bring happiness in your life .

And thank you all for caring everyday.

Like I told you all, we have started podcasting, and I want to thank many of you for subscribing!
Great news! We won the first prize in a spiritual section!!

Title: “Welcome to the Spiral of Happiness”!!

By the way, thank you for a lot of enquiries everyday.

Most people are having a trouble with human relationship.
Essentially, it happens because they cannot express enough of their feelings.
The reason is that you give up without trying. You are worried that it would definitely come into a misunderstanding as normal and that you could only drive your listeners mad.

It is quite important just to say “NO” to what you don’t want.
to say stop to what you want people to stop.
to get back against the word annoys you.
As it is, these make a really good change in your situation.

If you think like you always fail, I think you are not saying enough or not honest enough.
Here then, you cannot give up there just because they don’t understand you after only a couple of times.

All you can do is “to keep expressing until they get you.”
And you need to be direct enough especially when you want to show how big your pains are. Otherwise, they would hardly notice it.

Why, because, people can take only 15% of what you mean.
They have never been under your experience.
FYI, they could get you only 45% at maximum.

So, do not be too reserved and do not just imply.

By the way, in case you find something stuck in your chest or in your throat, I strongly recommend you to take a therapy to let your words come out from your mouth.
After releasing your words, you might get lost about word choice. Then just let us know so that we can show you which ones are the best.
Let us help you get inspired and find a solution.

Sometimes, you could get into quite an opposite situation.
That is, the case you are being too selfish to listen to someone else.
They would never listen to you either.
It would be the same when you don’t understand what people are talking or thinking about, and when you look down on someone else.

Let’s listen carefully to them.
I have seen many people became hard of hearing after they tried not to.

So listen to people even if you don’t get them very well.
Listen to what they have in mind.
With that attitude, you could make a relationship a lot better.

Send us an enquiry when you are lost.

When you raise your vibration, your words are going to have more power of influence,
which can make yourself understood much easier than before.

Let’s get honest and build a nice, sharing relationship, step by step.



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