
Your Forgiveness for Your Happiness

Your Forgiveness for Your Happiness

Good morning!

Say, “Thank you so much!”
“I will allow myself to be happy.”
And you will be closer to happiness.

Thank you for caring all the time.

You were born to be happy.
So please make yourself happier and happier.

You cannot be happy as long as you have pessimistic mind, underestimating yourself like;
“This is where I give up.”
“Can’t help it, it was impossible after all.”

Instead, amuse yourself.

That is, you cannot be happy as long as you forgive yourself.
When you cannot forgive yourself, then you probably have someone you cannot forgive.

You cannot forgive them.
= You cannot forgive yourself.

After all, you will find yourself “unhappy.”
So loosen yourself.
You, who is not capable enough.
who is dull,
who is mean,
who is lazy,
who always tries & screws up,
who is spoiled,
and who is not tolerant…
Forgive all of you!

To forgive is
to loosen your body.
That is,
to be relaxed.
This condition makes you possible to use your real power.
That is when you are able to make your dream come true.

Then you will step onto the spiral of happiness.

Stop being nervous and relax.
Take a deep breath and soften up little by little.
Then you will be able to go easy.

Besides, release your subconscious blocks with Golden Celeb Healing Therapy. Your dream will come true even faster.

Let’s create your brilliant future, wonderful life!!!



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