
Vibration surrounding you will effect you. Place yourself in an environment with high vibration

Vibration surrounding you will effect you. Place yourself in an environment with high vibration

Good Morning.

“I will justify the truth”
“I will choose the right environment”
Say these words to go into the spiral of happiness.

New video
Osaka seminar opening talk  Golden Celeb founder Hiromi Hondo Around me, everything  is accerating.
Things are synchronizing and rapidly making progress one after another.
Many amazing things are happening and they make me smile naturally.

Moreover, obviously truth and false is becoming more conspicuous then ever.
It is very important who you are with…
Are people around you  bright? Positive?
Do they have many dreams?Are they brillient?

On the contrary are they complaining?
Slobbering? Do they say bad  about other people?
Are they negative? Pessimistic? Do they find faults of others?

People around you represent you.
It is a good opportunity to check yourself.

However, if you are in an unpleasant environment, you should raise your own vibration higher.
Also select your ideal enviroment positively.

Of course there are people whose workplace is now a difficult environment but cannot change their jobs. First you should select an ideal environment in your private life.
Then go to places you feel pleasant. Attend  meetings with people  who has high vibration.
Have healing for your family and your home. Throw away things you don’t need.

Moreover, if you are happy, bright and full of smile you will be able to give good effect around you.
Let’s raise your vibration and change your environment positively.
Let’s raise your fortune higher and higher and make a good cycle.



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