
Remove the block towards money and gain fortune of money

Remove the block towards money and gain fortune of money

Good Morning.
“I will receive eternal wealth”
“I will enjoy my life”
Say these words today to attract more happiness.

I have many people consult problems relating money.
What should we do to gain fortune of money?
What actually is fortune of money? Actually it is vibration.
What kind of people have good fortune of money?

It is people who… love money,
feel the wealth they have now,
doing what they want to do,
consider their problems as small,
or think they can overcome them, have a big dream,
have many friends, wearing bright color clothes,
wearing gold,
wearing “Rutilated Quartz”,
using long type wallet,
always smiling,
always cleaning up,
don’t have many things in the house with simple interior,
always have feeling of appreciation,
always on time…etc.

Wealthy people will be more wealthy, and poor people will be more poor.
This is the law of the universe.
Then, if there are people who feel poor now.

What should they do?
They should feel the wealth in their current condition.
Wealth will gather to places where there is wealth.
And the law of “Going in and out” If you release what you want, then it will come in.
This is the law.

People who don’t have  fortune of money.
They are stingy and always saying they don’t have money.
Then they will be even more poor.

Wasting or spoiling money is certainly not good.
However it is important to use them at the right timing for right reason.
Everytime you use your money, think about if it is an investment?
or if it is a waste?And judge whether you should or should not use your money.

The most important investment is for yourself.
Self-investment is something you will have return for the future.
For example, health, money, fortune, talent and so on.

Let’s say farewell to money and spend with pleasure and appreciation.
People who don’t have  fortune of money.
They tend to hate, blame or envy rich people.
They tend to think that rich people are wasting money.
They think that money brings mischief.
They tend to have negative images towards money from their parents or their environment.

In their family tree, they had problems related to debt, gambling, or bankruptcy.
They blame everything for lack of money.
These are called the “Block towards money”
If you have this block towards money, then you cannot gain fortune of money easily.

Let’s change your image towards money.
Money will bring happiness, wealth, health, and freedom. It is very precious.
I feel the most easiest way is to change the negative in your subliminal conscious.

I recommend having the ancestor special healing or fortune of money healing
(After having the ancestor healing and the previous life healing)
Today let’s feel the wealth you have now. And let’s attract more and more wealth.




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