
Not the knowledge but experience is most worthwhile

Good Morning.
“I will learn from my experiences”
“I will treasure my feelings”
Say these words today to go into the spiral  of happiness.

The other day at the Tokyo seminar, 5people  shared their wonderful experience stories.
Experience is the truth. Let me introduce 2people’s experiences in the video.
New video.
Golden Celeb healing experience stories.
“After healing, now I can live as my true self”
“After having beginner course initiation, my self image became higher and all my wishes  came true”
Even if you cram much  knowledge, you cannot change.

However if you practice even one of those knowledge, then you will realize and master them.
It is more worthwhile to have 1000 knowledge.
In their experiences in the video, they were able to experience the “true happiness” inside their hearts.
Not pretending or just saying good words… but something beyond.
And it is their own experiences. They could never have gotten them by knowledge.

I truely want you to “experience” from heart.
~Everything that happens are essential for your growth and the “metaphor” that leads you to the truth of the universe~ from “Metaphor”

Today let’s treasure each 1and every 1of your experiences! Realize your honest feelings from what is happening in front of your eyes and put into practice.



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