
No more stiff upper lip. Soften it a bit by bit!

No more stiff upper lip. Soften it a bit by bit!

Good morning!
Let’s relax, appreciate what you have in front of you, and fill your heart with happiness.
Say “I’m so happy—!!”, “Thank you everyone!”
By the way, our e-book will be launched from Amazon quite shortly:
“Just Be Yourself and You Can Attract Great Things As Fast As Possible!”
By Hiromi Hondo – Founder of The Golden Celeb Healing
It is coming with a video, “How to connect with your higher self”. Sure you will enjoy it!
Through our Human Relationship Healing with many clients, I sometimes realise the fact that there is some virus which makes relationships worse even though you are trying to stay comfortable.
Like I’m saying on YouTube, “X – The Virus on Human Relations”,
Now, what is the “X”? …..”Patience!”
You might think like;
“I can avoid a fight as long as I lose my patience.”
Likewise, “Oh, I will keep this locked in my heart as they would never understand it.”
Or, “Well, it won’t make any big enough reason to lose my temper.”
Like above, you often force back your emotions.
You might think like; “It’s ok, it’s only a small piece of rubbish in my huge bin”, but it will explode the bin when it gets piled up!(>_<)
And you realise that you cannot fix it anymore.
You are surely feeling those negative emotions in your heart no matter how tiny they are. So let’s clean it a bit by bit. That is the solution.
In your heart, you can actually make a big difference when you express your own feelings compared with when you don’t, even if you cannot change the situation itself .ヽ(*´▽)ノ♪
Here is one more thing.
Stop doing your best to meet someone’s expectations. It will make you more stressed and unfortunate.
You cannot live your own life because you are only struggling in someone else’s expectations.
In that case, you might not be confident enough to love the way you are.
Just let it go. That is totally fine.
Most people don’t mind what you don’t like about yourself or your weak point.
Even though you tell someone what you are concerned about the most, like;
“You know, I was _____, actually…”
Then they could be unexpectedly tolerant, cooperative and accept who you are;
They would say, “Oh yeah? That’s no problem, really!”
Stop being too nice.
Stop being too patient.
Stop trying too hard.
Then you will come to like yourself more and more.
So brilliant to see you doing so.
You could look even shining in someone else’s eyes as well!
Hello single people, you could find “the one” 😉
In addition, the parents of those patient people often tend to have been quite dependent on their children through their misunderstanding of “parental love”. But as it is, they are just forcing their children to be as nice as they wish. (This is called a kind of repeating karma from the ancestors.)
That is what I noticed when I was healing damaged relationships of many people.
(I recommend our Human Relationship Healing with the parents for those who are concerned.)
Let it go.
Just live YOUR life from now.
Do accept someone’s kindness when you need it.
It is totally fine to say “no”, “stop it” to express your negative emotions.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Just try all these above and you will get onto the next stage even if you might feel isolated just for a moment as the relationship between you and people around you will never be the same anymore.
This is a process to be truly independent, because you cannot always “depend on” someone and sacrifice yourself, right?
So just be yourself, keep shining, and step into the happiest spiral!!


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