
You Know The Answer

You Know The Answer

Good morning!

“I pay attention to what I feel.”
“I have all the answers in my mind.”
Now you will get into a good spiral.

So, Do you ever get worried which to choose?
Right or left…
But I am sure you already know your answer.

Yes, you already do.

However, you make a decision with someone else’s words or your past experience, which interrupts you to follow your soul.

When you get lost, pay attention to the other you watching you struggling.
Take a look at the way you are worried.

When you see yourself through other person’s point of view, you will have a bit of hope beyond where you are right now. Isn’t that right?

Sometimes you see things clearly when you look at yourself from the outside.
Why, because, you are actually “have an answer in your mind.”
Just feel what you are feeling right now.
And go for the brighter one.

Then you will be on a lamplit road at the next moment.



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