
How can I achieve it?

How can I achieve it?

Good Morning.
“I am extremely happy”
Say this phrase to attract many lucky things!

Thank you very much for reading.
We human beings are filled with infinite possibilities.
We have the power to make everything possible.
So even if something seems difficult, if you think it’s easy, I can do it, then your brain will consider it that way and you will be able to overcome them.

If you tend to think positively, then when you face hardships you will be able to overcome easily.
When you face difficult problems.
Or when you have something you want to achieve.
Will you find reasons or faults why you cannot achieve it?
Or will you think “How can I achieve it?”

The way you think will decide whether you can really achieve it or not.
How can I achieve it?
If you put up your antenna, then you will find the answer!
You will recognize the answer when it came out.

So when you want the answer, you should
“Put your antenna up”
In short, ask the universe the question in a positive way.

You shouldn’t ask
What will I do?
Instead you should ask How can I achieve it? or
What should I do to achieve it?

If you ask like this in a positive way, you  will be able to find the answer.
The answer could be in a TV, in people’s talks, in an advertisement, in a book, etcetra. The answer may come from the outside or it may also come from your inside.

The important factor that promotes achieving something is “virtue”
People who gained virtue has “good fortune!” and “high vibration”
The way to gain virtue is to work for people and the society. And  to be appreciated from them.

If someone said
You were a big help to me, or
you made me happy and delighted, then you will gain virtue.
Contrary, if you lack  virtue. If you say nasty things to people, complain, grumble, speak ill of others, envy people, find faults, say you cannot do it,  blame someone, these are lack of virtue.
If you “lack virtue” then you will attract bad luck!

Let’s start by filling your heart with appreciation.
The common traits that successors has are,
they gain virtue naturally, they recieve with appreciation, they have their own high ambition or faith from their experiences, always positive.

Today let’s put up the antenna and say
“I’m sure””I can do it””How can I achieve it?”
Appreciate what you are given. Be full of smiles and drive away the evil.
And let’s have hope for the future.




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