
You Will Be Wealthy

You Will Be Wealthy

Good morning.

Say, “I have full of wealth.”
“I am fortunate.”
Then attract miracles & happiness.

Thank you for caring all the time.

I often receive an enquiry about economic problem.

Luck in money is made of energy too.

How can we get it?
What are wealthy people like?
The answer would be;

They like money.
They enjoy their wealth they currently have.
They do what they want.
They always treat problems like a tiny little thing that they can climb.
They have a big dream.
They have lots of cooperators.
They wear something colourful.
They wear gold accessories.
They wear rutile quartz.
They use long wallets.
They keep smiling.
They keep it clean.
They like being simple and don’t have so many at home.
They are always feeling grateful.


Here is the law of the universe;
The wealthier you are now, the wealthier you will be.
And vice versa.

So now, what do you need to do if you are feeling poor.
Just feel grateful for what you already have from your heart.
Then more wealth will come and visit you.
You will attract the luck in money while you are feeling your own wealth.

Besides, here is “The law of come-and-go.”

Give what you want and you will bring it back later.

Those who don’t have a fortune of wealth are always being Scrooge, saying that they don’t have money all the time.

But that only makes them go closer to a poverty.

Wasting money is no good actually, but you only have to spend money at the right moment.

Whenever you take out your money, you need to make a judgement if it is a waste?
or an investment? (o^・^o)

Investment is what you will receive a lot of benefits from it in the future after you spend time & money, such as:

Take them out from your wallet happily and gratefully!

If you are not lucky in money situation yet,
you might have a bad idea about money somewhere in your heart, hate them, or hate rich people, or you find them like a factor of troubles, or your parents & environment gave you a negative impression of money, or you have ancestors who got troubled with debts/gambles/bankruptcy or you accuse of money like; “Because money doesn’t like me…”

I call them “money-block.”

When you still have it, it is hard for you to receive a fortune of wealth.
Change your idea about them.

Money is valuable – they bring us happiness, health, and wealth.
You will have a chance to be wealthy no matter how poor you are right now.
It depends on if you decide it to be rich or not.

Also, what is the most important is to remove your subconscious negativeness.

I recommend you to take Special Ancestor Healing Therapy and Luck-in-money herapy.

Let’s appreciate how wealthy you are now and attract more and more wealth.
( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ(〃⌒ー⌒〃)ゞ(*´∇`*)(o^・^o)( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞo(*⌒O⌒)



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