
Power of faith

Power of faith

Good Morning.

“I will believe in my  future”
“I will carry through  my faith”
Say these words to go into the spiral of happiness.

“True love is the wish to protect your loved ones with all your soul”
“I believe”
Golden Celeb Makoto Hondo.

Experience story of Golden Celeb premium member
“Made great progress after 1year and 3months. Everyday I’m happy and full of joy.
I  can’t remember the days I suffered”
“I don’t feel anything at healing. After 2years all my dreams came true one after another and became accerated”
“After 10months I achieved the stage of true happiness. I can accept people I dislike and achieved stage to wish for their happiness”

If you become the sense of “faith” you will  be able to make progress easily and smoothly.

In Buddhism, there is  a training of “faith” as a basic practice.
The meaning is to fully believe in the absolute truth of universe.
And in all cases, the meaning of “if you have faith and believe,you will be powerful” is also included.

If you are in trouble or have hardships and can never have hope for bright future,
if you try to believe in your bright future then you will certainly go to that direction.
No matter how old you  are, don’t give up your dream.
And believe…

Believe in your bright future.
Today let’s take one step forward and make progress. You  will expect a brilliant future that you won’t imagine.



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