
Become power spot by yourself.

Become power spot by yourself.

Good morning.
I am truly blessed. I appreciate all things.
Say these heavenly words and attract miracle-happy.

Here is a new video clip.
Public consultation!
“Are there a direction bringing either good luck or bad luck?”

Then, in this video clip, I told that the established statistics can be overturned.
I used to give some pieces of advice to my clients by using astrology for a long time.
But astrology is not what can control my clients’ future behaviors.
All I can do is just say your problem is this or that.

Strangely to say, the hitting percentage of astrology is quite high.
But actually, astrology only became a tool for us to be depressed and threatened, unless we can exceed astrology.
Furthermore, we will take astrology more seriously, because astrology can tell the truth accurately.

We can have a wish about our future, only because we can change our fate for ourselves.
I sometimes used oracle cards timely while counseling. If oracle cards are well used, it becomes a useful tool for us to live,
If the message is too positive and carries too much, it is not implemented, sometimes impractical, and unrealistic.

This is just an aside. The place regarded as a power spot in a world life is the strong negative spot from the standpoint of Golden Celeb.
If your vibration energy is lower than that of the place, you must think the place is good place.
But a lot of places including shines are strong negative spots.
Those who recognize the vibration energy, or who have higher vibration energy could understand that what I’m saying is true.

In Golden Celeb, I never use statistics, such as astrology.(It does not mean that I deny statistics.)
This is because our fate or direction is not the most important.
Instead, the most important thing is to remember the fundamentals of your life.
That is, you are a magnet which attract everything!!!

In other words, you should just become a power spot yourself.
If your vibration energy becomes higher and the cosmos supports you completely, you will feel as if everything revolved around you.
Then, you will feel more happiness overflowing from the bottom of your heart.

you are supposed to send it out to the cosmos, so you will put yourself in a spiral of happiness.
You feel spiritually wealthy and you become filled with happiness more and more.
There are yin and yang.
The dimension that life has its ups and downs came from the view of three-dimensions.
This way of thinking is premised on the concept that we cannot boost our fundamental vibration energy.

Your life can become better dramatically.
Let’s raise your vibration energy. Let’s learn the way how to do so and carry it out.
You are the power spot yourself today.
Please shine yourself wonderfully.




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