
If you treasure your negative feelings, you can be positive

If you treasure your negative feelings, you can be positive

Good Morning.
“I will focus on exciting things”
“I will treasure my negative feelings”
Say these words today to go into spiral of happiness.

Normally, in a typical law of success or when you plan your future, these theories say that you should avoid thinking about negative things, and to think about positive things!!
This is common.

3 years ago, this topic was considered as a strange religion??? or a suspecious topic…(smile)
But now, mental problems are considered as scientific matter and related to neuroscience or quantum physics… so on.

These are also related to the philosophy of success. This has became a common topic.
It is a wonderful era.
I am sure that in the  near future, a time will come when controlling vibration, or basic solution of karma, the theories that I am explaining will become common topics someday.

Statistically, the rate of people who think negatively is high in Japan.
And most of the people who think negatively, their good points are they could “understand other people’s feelings well”
So they could understand feelings of people who has hardships.
If you tend to think negatively, you might be very kind to people  around you.

Foreign people are more bright and cheerful.
However, they might not be able to understand feelings of people having hardships.
Also, there are people who are acting positively on the outside but actually inside they are having hardships.
They are pretending to be cheerful intentionally.

What I suggest is, if  you have negative feelings, then you should affirm and treasure your feelings.
“Yes, I understand”
You should first affirm your feelings.
“Certainly in that case, you would feel that way”
Next, say it outloud and express your feelings.
For example,
“If you told me that phrase, I would feel sad”
“I wanted you to say it like this” and so on.
Say it outloud.
But don’t say I was upset.
Upset = Anger is a secondary emotion.
Why were you upset?
What was your first emotion?
Were you sad, lonely or wanted to be loved… That might be the answer?
You should tell your emotions.

If you tell your negative feelings, you will feel brighter and be  positive.
Moreover, if you solve the karma in your deep layer conscious, you don’t have to intentionally act positive, you will not be negative naturally.

Today let’s treasure your negative feelings! If you look up the sky and keep smiling, you will come up with many great ideas naturally!



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