
You can overcome anything

Good Morning.
“I will be thankful for everything”
“I am extremely fortunate”
Say these words today to attract miracle happiness.

There is a law in the Universe that the energy you created will return to you.
Energy is feelings, words, actions.
It doesn’t matter whether it is plus or minus, it will come back!
If you think about good things, then good things will happen.
If you think about bad things, then bad things will happen.
If you say good words then good things will happen.
If you say bad words then bad things will happen.
If you do good things, then good thing will  happen.
If you do bad things, then bad thing will happen.

Whether it is good or bad, it will come back to you.
The Universe is very simple.
What is happening now is the result of what you did in the past.
So that means you can change your future by changing the present.
Whatever happens, you  should receive obediently with appreciation.
And ride on the flow of the large river of the Universe.
Then you will be able to realize the true meaning of things.

If you realize the true meaning, then it will gradually disappear.
If you made progress and move forward, then  the next theme will come up.
When your stage goes up, next you will face an extremely difficult task.
Then how about this?
At that time, don’t think why? or hesitate.
You should consider that the chance has come to go up to an even higher stage.

This means that you are tested by the Universe.
At that time, you should consider that it’s  very challenging to overcome such difficult task and praise.
If you consider thankful~! and praise, wisdom will come out from the power of praising vibration.

Eventually you will be able to overcome without major hardships.
If you change your former way of thinking and look from a different point of view, you will be able to overcome easily.
Or if you work on things that you had left undone and always wanted to finish, then you can overcome.

If you stop saying negative things and start saying things positively, you can be pushed upward.
Or if you face problems that you had avoided and kept the lid closed, you will be able to make effort.
If those were your tasks from the Universe,  then they will appear again and again in a different place with different people.

So now you should make up your mind, don’t escape from reality and let’s face it. Think I will accomplish!
Then you will feel the power arising from inside you that you have never felt before.
If you have a dream don’t give up. If you have strong faith, you will certainly make your dream come true.

You have the power to  overcome anything.
You have the ability to  solve and to succeed. You will be all right.
If you are in trouble, and you want to go to the next stage.

I recommend you to have the healing.
You may realize new things that you were not been able to see.
Another thing if your stage goes up, you feel awkward in your current human relationship.
Even if it is your best friend, you would feel somewhat strange.
This is the proof that  your vibration had gone up.
You will have an even more wonderful human relationship.
It will always happen when your vibration goes up.

You may feel a little  lonely.
But if you let it go, there will be an blank space.
The Universe doesn’t like blank. It will connect  you to the most wonderful human relationship.



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